Happy 2016 – It’s been a full year since I
joined the awesome team at Our Creative Corner and I am so thrilled to be doing
this again this year, you would be too if you had the inside scoop on what we have got in store for you this year!
Claudia has charged us with a terrific challenge this month – simply called “Make Time”.
Aren't you just drooling at how open this challenge is and what is even better is that she has done given us the most exquisite moodboard and palette to work with.

Right after I tell you what Claudia invites us to do for this challenge and why you should jump in and join the fun, I will show you how I put together this little panel that I made for my 18 month old nephew Luke’s bedroom door – that’s him over there – and he loves gadgets and things and I have a feeling that he is going to get into Mecano which naturally leads into steampunkery soon!
So here’s how January at OCC breaks down -
Here is the moodboard where you will draw your inspiration from:
These are the rules of the challenge as stipulated by Claudia, the challenge host -
“I challenge you to calm down, enjoy what you see and let yourself be inspired by it (*the moodboard there on the left). No precise theme to narrow your creativity down - just the colours, shapes, directions, textures and hints of possible themes.So if the thrill and gratification of creating something is not already urging you to join in this challenge – let me provide an added perk to get you in on this timely game.
Whatever you make of it - it will be good! Whatever it sparks in you - I want you to show it and have a good time at your studio desks!”
The sponsor for January is Creative Embellishments. They will be sponsoring a generous gift to a randomly drawn winner from all the entries in this month’s MAKE TIME challenge. In addition to that – special kudos are also given every month to the challenge winner and the Top 3!
So get your crafty on and get jiggy with it!
Moving on…..
Here are a few highlights from start to finish with its varied texturing techniques and treatments on this project.
You will note that I ended up with less gears but more pronounced gears and cogs.
The end result seemed adequately grunge and steampunky to me – perfect for a little man who loves fiddly things!
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE – right now I reckon
that I am stomping my boots off at an awesome Psytrance New Years party in
Shongweni, Kwazulu Natal – hope you are having fun too!
Candice (aka Tincan Crafter)