Monday, June 3, 2024

All about texture - but didnt make it!

I started making this card with the intent to submit into the draw for U$D 25 voucher at Simon Says Stamp - the theme was TEXTURE.  Anyhow long story short - I didn't make the deadline for submission.  But it was too cute not to share - and there is lots of lovely texture - and I really had fun making it. 

Fortunately - the Wednesday challenge is "Anything Goes" - so I will get another chance to enter the draw and that is exactly what I am going to do.

I bought the adorably whimsical mushroom die from TEMU.  

It's okay guys to buy dies that are unbranded and are not designed by a well known designer or design's okay....

The embossing folder is an old one from TimHoltz texture fades - I would not be able to tell you which one exactly - because it could possibly be from about decade ago - all I know is that it is a sizzix one and it looks baroque and flourish.  

The gauze came from the medical supplies kit.  The background paper that I turned into a fake momigami type element - yup you know what I am going to say - TEMU ofcourse, it was the VOYAGER 6x6 paper pack set.  And the bits of bark were fly-away bits of yellowood bark that I rescued from my husbands' workshop rubbish bin. 

I have an affiliate link for TEMU that will get you a discount bundle of about R2000 or about $100 as of the exchange rate today if you are new to TEMU - you can also qualify for a 30% off discount. - You can get that deal if you go through this link: or you can search  acp636712 on the Temu App to get 💰30% off discount !!

Anyway - enjoy

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